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Keeping you up to date on Chamber News, Networking, Business Trends, Member news & More.
Monday, June 3, 2024
15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client

Nicole Alverson

Friday, March 22, 2024
Are You Forgetting The Most Important Part of Hiring?

Hiring is one of the costliest things you do as a business as it can leave you exposed and vulnerable. While a good hire can be a turning point in your business, a bad hire can leave you (and your employees) reeling. That’s why the interview and selection process are important. However, it’s what you do after that that will shape the employee and your team the most. No matter the size of your business, if you are bringing someone new on, you must consider the onboarding process.

Nicole Alverson

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Become an Addictive Brand

Does your morning begin post coffee? If so, then you know the importance of that routine (and caffeine addiction). Your morning just isn’t the same without it. You can create the same addiction to your business. It just requires a more carefully created artifice or brand. Without the help of caffeine or other addictive substance, you’ll need to use marketing and a persona that draws people in and makes them want to be a part of your business. Whether you are a company of one or 100, there are ways to help

Nicole Alverson

Friday, February 2, 2024
Get Over Your Fear of Video and onto YouTube

​There’s an untapped goldmine out there for your business—YouTube. Beyond the fact that it is the second-largest search engine globally (behind its parent Google), YouTube offers a unique space for businesses to connect with their audience, showcase expertise, and build lasting relationships. It’s time to get over your fear of video and embrace the world of YouTube because it can significantly impact your business growth and reach.

Nicole Alverson

Thursday, January 4, 2024
Resolution Alternatives for the New Year

Whether you're into resolutions or not, the end of the year/beginning of a new one is a time ripe with possibility. Reviewing what has worked in the past and planning on how you will leverage that in the future is always a good idea.

Nicole Alverson

Wednesday, September 1, 2021
MEMBER POST: Paint Positive - Should I paint that? Painting Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding has long been a favorite choice of homeowners – it’s inexpensive, durable, and attractive, all three valuable qualities in a material that will cover the outside of your home. Like everything, however, over time vinyl siding will begin to look worn out and old, or maybe you will just feel like you want to change things up a bit. Times like these, you’ll probably think, “I wonder if I could paint it.” You can!

Nicole Alverson

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
MEMBER POST - Apex Skin - Skin Cancer Removal: What You Need to Know About Treating Skin Cancer

Skin cancer impacts 1 in 5 Americans. While regular skin checks and early detection are crucial for preventing fatality, we understand that we can’t always catch skin cancer before it happens. When that happens, swift detection and removal are important for managing it. Here to help us understand what goes into the process of skin cancer removal is Dr. Brian Moore.

Nicole Alverson